Time to Check the Dashboard!!! By Victoria Cox
We still have several months left in this Toastmasters year to reach club/area/division and district goals. We all have a part in reaching the top. Clubs - Please review your current education credits and what you need to reach that goal. I would also ask that you...

Don’t Delay, PAY your club dues, TODAY by Jacqueline L. Smith
Greetings Members of District 26, It is time to invest in yourself or shall I say RE-invest in yourself. That is right, Toastmasters dues are DUE!!! Here are the particulars: • Your renewal payment is due twice a year, on April 1 and October 1. • To remain in good...

District Club Growth Updates by Jeff Scott Ruiz
Greetings, fellow D26 Toastmasters. Hope this article finds you all well during this mid-winter season. The weather may be cold, but our new club prospects are warming up. Our first new virtual club chartered January 31, 2021. Congratulations to Past Leaders United in...

Finishing Strong by Victoria Cox
We need to finish strong!!! The last seven months have not been easy for several of us due to the pandemic and having to learn new skills in order to get the job completed. I want to thank everyone who has come out of their comfort zone. We still have work to be done:...

The Little Things by Jacqueline L. Smith
Hello Fellow D26 Members, It is now February and we recently passed the half-way point in our program year. In terms of the overall Toastmasters timeline, this is the season of getting club officers trained, beginning the dues renewal season and engaging in...
District 26 Guest Night
Join our Guest Night! Wed, January 27, 6:00pm – 7:15pm on Zoom Come find out more about Toastmasters with our District-wide online Guest Night! Invite your friends. Invite your neighbors. Invite your social media connections! Learn how a Toastmaster meeting works and...

You Can Help as a Club Coach by Jeff Scott Ruiz
Greetings, fellow D26 Toastmasters. Here’s a quick narrative I’d like to share with you: A man on the highway saw an old lady stranded on the side of the road, so he stopped his car to assist. “How can I help you, ma'am?” he asked. The tire was flat, so he changed it...

Online Contests and Online Conference by Victoria Cox
Greetings District 26, I hope this finds you and your family well. Our contest season is upon us and the speeches will be Tall Tales and of course, International Speech. I am very excited to hear all of the speeches this year, and with them taking place on Zoom we can...

New Year, New Toastmaster Goals by Jacqueline L. Smith
Happy New Year District 26!!! The year 2020 was unlike any year that we ever experienced. That means the holiday season was likely different as well. It is my hope that you and yours were happy, safe and well during the holiday season. It is now a new year and...
Personal Growth through District 26 Leadership Opportunities by Mike Akins
District 26 Leaders, WE NEED YOU, to support our District next year. Our vast District requires many volunteers to operate smoothly. You may be asking, “Why should I apply for a leadership role?” Of all the reasons, many have said it’s for personal growth. Whether...
Guest Post Submission
Guest Post - Rules
District 26 Toastmasters Blog Article Submission Requirements:
Articles must be no more than 350-400 words and must include two images: one headshot and one for the article.
- Email address
- Full Name
The following is your information and if this is for another person their info as well:
- Toastmasters Awards (CC, CL, DTM, Speech Contests, etc.)
- Club Name(s) and offices held
- Club(s) Social Media Links (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.)
- Your Social Media Links (up to 3 accounts)
- About You(person or thing it is about) (150 words)
- Relevant Links for the Article
- Got Images? (One Headshot + One for the Blog Post Banner Image)
Send Your Post Requests to:
You may send posts for review to PRM Keith Horowitz TM[at]nullwitzabout.com
NOTE: Read the “Guest Post Rules” section above before posting. Submissions that do not follow these rules and standards will be rejected.