As for dialogue, I think it keeps things moving to cut to the chase.– Jerry B. Jenkins

Blog Post Submission Guidelines
Submissions should be newsworthy, informative, thought-provoking and of district-wide appeal.
Submit your Blog Article Here
Newsletter Archives
Submission Guidelines
Submissions should be newsworthy, informative, thought-provoking and of district-wide appeal. Include web links if available.
The article recognizes member or club/district achievement beyond the expected completion of requirements in the manuals.
Articles of 250-300 words are preferred. Address Who, What, Where, and When. Word, RTF, WordPerfect, email, or text files are acceptable. Applicable photos are encouraged in JPEG, GIF, or PNG format (minimum resolution: 72 pixels/inch, minimum dimension: 144 pixels). If possible, identify people in the photo and state the significance of the photo to the article. Include your name, educational level (CC, ALB, etc.), and your club/district officer role (if applicable.)
Send articles and photos to the editor newsletter[at] by the 15th of the month to appear in the following issue.
It takes two weeks of every month to prepare a professional newsletter for timely publication. Please submit your articles as early as possible. Thanks to your increased support, the District 26 Dialogue has consistently been posted on the first of the month since March 2011. We greatly appreciate your submissions. – Carol A. Harris, District Dialogue Editor.