District Nominations
It’s time for nominations for District Officers!
District leadership provides an opportunity to stretch and grow as both a leader and communicator. If you want to accelerate your growth and development in these areas, please consider running for one of the elected or appointed district leadership positions. Here is an encouraging message from our 2023-2024 International President, Morag Mathieson, to review:
Elected Positions
The District Leadership Committee (DLC) is tasked with nominating individuals for the following elected positions in District 26:
- District Director
- Program Quality Director
- Club Growth Director
- Division Directors (C, D, E, F, M, N, S, U)
Candidates may nominate themselves (highly encouraged) or another member can do it for you. Each nominee must complete and submit the required documents to the District Leadership Committee Chair. Once Toastmasters updates the forms for 2025-2026, the link to the forms will be listed here.
The application package must contain the following documents:
- Candidate Application
- District Leader Nominating Form (you can self-nominate)
- District Officer Biographical Information
- District Leader Agreement and Release Statement
- Professional Headshot
Elections are held at the Annual District Council Business Meeting each Spring. For 2025, the meeting will take place virtually, via Zoom on Saturday, April 26. If you’re attending the District Conference, Elected Officers will be installed on Saturday, May 3, 2025 after the International Speech Contest.
The Role of the District Leadership Committee
The District Leadership Committee (DLC), chaired by Ann Hill, DTM, Immediate Past District Director, conducts interviews and evaluates all candidates, and nominates the best candidates for elected positions.
If you are interested in serving in a district office, please read the information below to familiarize yourself with the rules and procedures.
Election Process Overview
This page provides a brief introduction to the process for becoming a district officer. For a detailed explanation of the official rules concerning the nomination process, refer to the District Administrative Bylaws, Article VII Officers and Protocol 9.0: District Campaigns and Elections.
Nomination Process
All nominations and documents for elected positions must be submitted to the District Leadership Committee Chair (DLC Chair) at IPDD[at]d26leaders.org by January 15, 2025.
Nominees for office will be interviewed by members of the DLC. After interviews are completed, the DLC will provide the current District Director with a list of candidates approved to run for elected positions.
Election Calendar
- Deadline for Nominations to Elected Positions: January 15, 2025
- Candidate interviews: February through March.
- District Officer Election (During District Council Meeting): to be determined for Sprng 2025.
- Floor Candidates – submit applications to districtdirector[at]d26leaders.org by midnight 1 week before the 2025 District Council Meeting for Open Leadership Roles.
Appointed Positions
The DLC is also tasked with reviewing applications for the following appointed positions:
- Public Relations Manager
- Administration Manager
- Finance Manager
- Area Directors
- Logistics Manager *
- Parliamentarian *
- Club Extension Chair
- Club Retention Chair
* Not listed in “Call for Nominations”, see Additional Leadership Roles for more information on these positions.
Appointments for these positions usually take place after the district elections by the District-Director Elect.