District 26 - Serving Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska

Premise: In the stock market, there’s always a closing bell.
Me: What’s that loud noise? Can it be the closing bell on the Toastmasters Year 2018/2019?

Premise: For every dark cloud there’s a silver lining.
Me: What’s that shining light in the sky? Is it the silver lining that we can embrace a new year?

I write to you as the Immediate Past District 26 Director. I want to thank you because I would have never achieved my current milestones without your support. It takes a willingness to work as a team to keep up the good work for the future. Thank you for your dedication and service!

Here’s a famous quote by Past International President Pat Johnson (Originally Stephen Covey)
“Begin with the end in mind.”

I’d like to encourage you to focus on the future with an eye on how you want to end. Now is the time to develop your Success Plan for yourself and also for your Toastmasters club.

The Four Agreements

Region 12 International Director David Fisher has quoted Don Miguel Ruiz’s Four Agreements with the hope that we all can create a productive, congenial team environment. These are the four agreements which indicate how the Trio conducted ourselves this year.

1. Be impeccable with your word.
2. Don’t take anything personally.
3. Don’t make assumptions.
4. Always do the best you can.

For every end, there is a beginning and a challenge for the future. I urge you to develop your Success Plan for the New Year while focusing on the Four Agreements.

Keep the Promise—Meet the Challenge!


Marcia Wood

Immediate Past District Director


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