District 26 - Serving Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska
What’s New You Can Do?

Did you know we now have a brand NEW podcast for District 26 Toastmasters?

Well, we do!

It is called the D26 Toasties Show! I wanted to give members another place to have a voice in our District!

The podcasts are 15 minutes to 30 minutes long and I will ask you a few questions. We will talk beforehand, gather a few questions and go over what will happen during the podcast.

Then I will have you call in to a Guest # and we will have a conversation about the great things you are doing and how they relate to Toastmasters.

This is audio only.

So, what do you say?

Would you like to be a Guest Speaker on our Podcast?

Are you a Past District Director, Governor or other current or former leader in District 26?

Do you have any current tips or tricks you would like to share with other members?

Would you like to share your expertise in a role or chair position?

Email PR at PRM1819[at]

Are you a Toastmaster on the Move?

Have you had any recent successes because of your involvement in Toastmasters?

Do you know someone who could use a shout out for all the good things they are doing in Toastmasters or in their life because of Toastmasters? Fill out our Toastmaster on the Move

To listen to our first ever podcast click here D26 Toasties Show

That’s what new that you can do! Look forward to hearing about all the great things new in your world!

Trixie Hunter-Merrill
Public Relations Manager 18-19
District 26 Toastmasters

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