District 26 - Serving Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska

What time is it!! It’s time to Beat the Clock.

Beat the Clock is a great motivator for finishing the year on schedule—on time and with record numbers!  Make it your club’s goal to earn the Beat the Clock award and encourage every member to take part. Clubs adding five new, dual or reinstated members with a join date between May 1 and June 30 receive a Beat the Clock ribbon to display on the club’s banner. The addition of transfer and charter members does not count toward Beat the Clock credit. 

Qualifying clubs also earn a special discount code for 10% off their next club order. Applications and payments for members with a join date between May 1 and June 30 must be received at World Headquarters or online no later than June 30.
The winning clubs will be revealed online within a few weeks of the submission deadline.

We have 27 clubs that need 4 or more members — what is one more? You can earn a point towards your DCP goal and finished distinguished.

I know this year has been difficult, but we are going to continue to run the race until June 30th.

Let’s not forget about the incentives:

  • Increase a level by 5/31/21 (for example: from none to Distinguished or Select to Presidents) Toastmasters gift certificates totaling $50
  • At least 80% member retention on 5/31/21 per Toastmasters gift certificates totaling $80

I look forward to seeing the numbers get higher every day.

If you need anything please reach out to your Area Director, Division Director or myself.

Victoria Cox
Program Quality Director[at]

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