District 26 - Serving Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska

Congratulations to the following 8 clubs for retaining 100% of their members for the first 6 months of our 2019/20 year and earning a $80 gift card from Amazon:
• I’m Just Sayin’
• Pronounce & Procure!
• Comcast West Division Toastmasters
• SouthGlenn Speakers
• Spectrum Speakers
• Sweet Talkers Club
• Pioneer Toastmasters Club
• Happy Masters

We also had 19 clubs who retained between 90-99% of their member and 38 clubs retained between 80-89%.
Great job to everyone in these clubs, keep up the great work!

Special shout out to the following Areas and Division for being at the top of the retention pool:
• Area M1 overall has 89.9% retention
• Area N2 overall has 86% retention
• Northern Division has the highest district retention at 76.2%

Are you interested in your club winning an $80 gift card? If you retain 80% or more of your members after our Spring renewal your club will also win this great reward.

I will be emailing these clubs soon regarding their awards money.

Kimberly Angell
Recognition Chair 2019/20

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