Hello to all my VPPRs as well as other Officers and Club Members!
Beginning soon, I will be conducting on-going training for VPPRs to help you navigate your role in the club. The training will focus on ideas on bringing new members into the club in a virtual world. Remember, while it is up to the VPPR to start the marathon off, a PR role is like a marathon baton race. First, the VPPR brings the guest into the club, next, VP of Membership (VPM) reaches out to the guest to gather email and contact info to follow up with the guest after the meeting. The VPM asks guests a series of questions to find out why they came to a Toastmasters meeting, what are their goals and the benefits of Toastmasters in achieving those goals. The VPM creates enough excitement for the guest to become a prospective member. From there, it is up to the Treasurer to close the sale by getting an application and dues payment from the now new member. The final hand-off is to the VP Education (VPE) who helps them get started in Pathways, get signed up for either Free Toast Host or Easy Speak, and assign them a Mentor.
What does all of this tell you? It is not all on the VPPR. We each have our part to play.
This does not change just because we are virtual.
Some ideas I have seen work well in other clubs to keep this process moving and a help for the VPPRS or anyone who is managing this role:
The first being the Prospect/Online Flier. Here are two choices. Prospect Flier or Online Flier
- A virtual Flier with your club information on it. Do NOT put your Zoom password on it. Attach and email for the person to contact you for the password. This will keep the Zoom bombing down. I suggest uses on the of the Club officer emails for President or VP of Education instead of your actual email as a suggestion. If not, use your TM approved email.
- Share this on the TM International Group Page, as well as the District Members Group on Facebook for a start.
- Share it on other Facebook Groups that might be of interest to others, like Colleges, Schools, Churches, News or Business groups that allow you to share or promote. (Please be respectful of group rules). If you are not in any of these groups, consider joining as it will really help your club became established the more you share in these groups what Toastmasters is and what your club or Division is doing.
- When you have meetings, take pictures of the group on Zoom smiling and having fun. Post these in groups as well to entice guests to desire to come to your club because of your fabulous club culture.
- When the meeting starts, greet your guest and ask them to put their email in the chat box for you to get back to them.
- After the meeting, ask Membership to reach out to the guest with an Online Version of the Guest Packet. (Coming soon by TM. Stay Tuned)
- Follow through with the same other processes you would do in a regular meeting (i.e handing off to Treasuer, VP of Ed, etc.).
Hopefully this one little tidbit to get you started will start to make you feel more at ease about moving forward in this new year while we are still online.
Other online Resources from TM International can be found here.
Another resource for all my VPPRs or those needing PR, come join my VPPR Facebook Group to get more info to be the best at your PR.
Trixie Hunter-Merrill