District 26 - Serving Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska

Last year, Networking was in one main location and many grumbled, so this year, we are going to try Networking in a whole new way. For me, it isn’t about how many Networking events we have, as I desire to put out quality events that will help the clubs, areas and divisions which in turn will help our district. The Southern Division asked for it first, so that is why they had the first one  this Toastmaster year. The second one will be a Combined-Denver, Metro, Urban for September since they asked next and Eastern asked to have January. We could potentially have a Networking in March and one in June if I have a volunteer host in one of the other Divisions.

Because we are moving around, this is where an assist is needed. I am requesting each division that desires to have this in their area will be the host. The host knows the area, venues, media, etc. You also know the speakers in your area. The purpose of Networking is outreach. By having the host assist the PR Manager, together we will be able to have a great networking event to aid in outreach, awareness and potentially club growth.

Since Division directors are super busy is for the division to ask someone to be the Toastmaster for the night. The Toastmaster can help me to complete the tasks needed to host the event in their area. This will help me to help you. While I am leading the charge for the District, these same tools and tactics could be used for anyone who want to have a Networking Event.

We look forward to a new year, networking in a new way and are readily awaiting the outcome of what these events do for us in our District.  If you have any questions or desire more info please contact me.

~Trixie Hunter-Merrill
Public Relations Manager 2018-2019
District26 Toastmasters
Toastmasters International

Public Relations Networking Promo Table

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