In two weeks, Toastmasters from around the world will descend upon Denver for our annual convention! This event will be held at the new Gaylord Resort near the Denver airport. The last time this convention was held in Denver, humans were walking on the moon: 50 years ago. Don’t miss this opportunity. I’m confident you’ll have fun and get better.
Typically 2500 members from 140 countries attend to experience the festivities and camaraderie. The agenda is packed with an opening ceremony, dynamic speakers, speech contests, and the incoming President’s inauguration.
For all the details and to register, please go to:
- International candidates are listed here and here.
- Proposals A-L are listed here.
Please delegate your two votes to an attending member or to me as District Director by the Thursday 8/22 5pm deadline.
Regarding Proxies for Convention:Your club delegate does not have to register for the convention to attend and vote at the Business Meeting Friday 23rd 4:30pm. However, if they intend to vote, either the President or Secretary must go to and assign the proxy, even if to yourself. Your club has the choice to determine some or all items, or leave blank for the proxy holder to decide during the conference. In addition, the proxy holder must register at Credentials during these times:
- Wednesday 8 to 9:30 a.m., 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 9 to 10:30 p.m.
- Thursday 12:30 to 2 p.m. and 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.
I’d hate for someone to arrive at the Gaylord on Friday, thinking they could vote, only to be turned away.
Lark Doley, International President, has emailed instructions to the club Presidents and Secretaries and District 25 graciously posted them here.
I look forward to seeing you there.

District Director 2019-2020