District 26 - Serving Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska

Happy almost mid-Toastmasters year, District 26!


Are you on the road to becoming a Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM)? Maybe you need to complete your High Performance Leadership (HPL) project. But, what project will allow me to lead a team while developing my leadership skills?

Glad you asked. After the first of the year, there are opportunities to chair different events such as Area and Division contests.

Perhaps you are looking to hone your skills for a bit longer and you want an extended opportunity? I have just the opportunity for you.


I am seeking to immediately fill the position of Retention Chair.


Before I provide detail, I want to sincerely thank Cynthia Thorstad, ACS, ALS for serving in the role from July 1 through September 30. Additionally, I want to thank Darryle Brown, DTM for filling in the gap and serving as interim Retention Chair since that time.


What does the Retention Chair do?

  1.  Oversees the activities of the retention coordinators who recruit coaches for clubs needing revitalization
  2.  Provides resources for coordinators
  3. Conducts interviews of potential coaches or alternatively after suitable coaches are found, recommends to CGD for interview
  4. Works with Division and AD in identifying clubs that may want a coach
  5. May help following up on clubs with outstanding dues
  6. Provides status reports of retention efforts within the District to the CGD

Please contact me at cgd1819[at] for more information.

Enjoy the beauty of the holiday season !!!!!!!!

Jacqueline L. Smith, MPA, DTM

Club Growth Director, 2018-2019

Toastmasters International, District 26

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