District 26 - Serving Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska

“As a member of Toastmasters International and my club, I promise to serve my club as an officer when called upon to do so.”

Congratulations Club Officers! You have kept your promise to serve as a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, or sergeant at arms. Now what?

Learn how to accomplish the task you promised to do and serve your club in the best way you know how by attending a Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) on a Saturday in January!

You can find details on the District 26 Calendar.

TLIs are more fun when you attend with your fellow club officers. You can engage each other in dialogue and brainstorm ideas to make your club SHINE. I’m not talking spit and polish.


I’m talking S-H-I-N-E

S stands for Success

Hold monthly officer board meetings and check your progress in your Success Plan. Did you create a Success Plan at the beginning of the year? If not, there’s still time to create one. Download a free Distinguished Club Program and Club Success Plan manual at the Toastmasters International Website.

H stands for “Hello”

Invite your neighbors, relatives, friends, associates, and anyone else you can invite to your club meetings. You need a plan to seek out new prospects, turn them into guests, and recruit them to be members.

I stands for International Speech contests

Schedule your club contest in February because the area contests will be held sometime in March. Division contests will be held in April and the District Spring Conference is scheduled for May 3 through 4, 2019 at the Denver Tech Center Double Tree by Hilton Hotel.

N stands for Networking

Check the District 26 website calendar for District networking events close to you. Step outside your club and experience the larger world of Toastmasters.

E stands for Education and the Pathways System

Clubs with all Club Officers enrolled in Pathways have a larger percentage of its members enrolled in Pathways.


Will you Keep the Promise? Will you attend a TLI?

Leaders lead change. I urge you to make your club SHINE!

Marcia Wood, DTM

District 26 Director 2018/2019

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