District 26 - Serving Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska

District Events and Speech Contests

2020-2021 District Events and Speech Contests

August 24, 2020

Dear District Leaders,

The Board of Directors recently met to discuss the continued impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the coming months and the potential of experiencing a second wave of the virus. The Board is aware that District leaders are planning District events for the 2020-2021 year and creating the corresponding budget. Therefore, the Board believes Districts will benefit from having the option to conduct both the Annual District Conference and Council meetings online through June 30, 2021. This will ensure each District has the flexibility to accommodate the needs and safety of their members and will not be bound to the requirement of having to conduct the Annual District Conference and Council meeting in-person. In the event that an in-person event is organized, the District must provide online participation options for members who cannot attend in person.

In addition, effective immediately, all Speech Contests at the Area-, Division-, and District-levels must be conducted online. This applies to all Districts regardless of their local authorities’ restrictions or lack thereof, related to COVID-19. This decision was not made lightly. This decision will ensure a consistent experience for the speech contestants and officials throughout the various levels in all Districts. With contests starting as early as the end of 2020, there is too much uncertainty about the current situation and the Board felt strongly that the burden of this decision should rest with them and not be put upon our District leaders.

We understand that this may come as a surprise; however, we must take appropriate action in the best interest of our members and our organization. The Board’s concern for the health and safety of our members remains paramount. More information relating to the Annual District Conference and Council meeting will be provided in the coming months.

Please stay in communication with the District Leader Support team at districts[at] so that appropriate support and guidance can be provided.


Deepak Menon

2019-2020 International President

Toastmasters International


Daniel Rex

Chief Executive Officer

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