District 26 - Serving Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska

COVID 19 – Club Suspension and Reinstatement 3/16/21

Club Suspension and Reinstatement
March 16, 2021

Dear Club Officers,

The pandemic has now spanned three renewal periods. It is amazing to see and hear how clubs and members have continued to evolve and adapt to the conditions, using new and innovative methods to engage members, increase membership, and conduct effective and enjoyable club meetings through virtual platforms.

The Board of Directors is aware of the concerns club officers have in continuing to reach the renewal requirement to remain or return to good standing. Understanding the impact the pandemic continues to have on club meetings and membership growth, the following exceptions have been put in place to support clubs:

  • Clubs are considered paid and in good standing when their dues have been received at World Headquarters for the October 2020 and April 2021 dues periods for a minimum of eight members, with three of those members not needing to renew their membership from the previous renewal period
  • Clubs that have not yet met the October 2020 renewal requirement will not be suspended as of April 1, 2021 and will have an additional six months to return to good standing before being suspended.
  • Clubs that are inactive for the October 2020 and/or April 2021 dues renewal periods can reinstate when the following have been paid in full:
    • Current dues for a minimum of eight individual members;
    • Any overdue account balance;
    • And one of the following fees or dues:
      • The reinstatement fee has been reduced to $100 USD per inactive period (usually $720 USD for clubs that reinstated after two periods of inactivity).
      • Dues for all individual members in the club during the inactive period(s).

We hope these exceptions provide assistance in getting your club back to good standing. For any questions on these exceptions please reach out to our Club Quality Team at clubquality[at]

Richard E. Peck 2020–2021 International President Toastmasters International
Daniel Rex Chief Executive Officer Toastmasters International

9127 South Jamaica Street, Suite 400 | Englewood, CO 80112 | Phone: +1 720-439-5050 |

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