Pep Squad
It's All About Conversation - Or Is It?
Datta Groover of

You've probably heard that a speech should be a conversation. Some presenters agree with that, and some don't. Whether we like it or not, however, successful speaking involves conversation. If we ignore that, we might just "die" on stage. Neither we, nor our audience wants that to happen.

The literal source, or etymology, of conversation, means to "have dealings with others."

There are many kinds of conversation that take place with every presentation. When you talk about a bad day you once had, and some of your audience nod — that is a conversation. When you ask for a volunteer, and get one — that is a conversation. When you ask questions to the audience, and get a response, that is also a conversation. The title of this article is a conversation. Most importantly, your audience members will constantly have conversations going on within their heads as you speak. Those are conversations you can't control, but you can influence them. Based on that influence, those "internal" conversations will determine the success or overflowing

failure of your presentations because they are what connect you to your audience. Your message will only be "taken home" by people if they connect with you.

When you share a conversation you had previously, one you might have in the future, or even put into words what the audience is (or may be) thinking — those are all ways to use conversation. How you use these conversations, how often you use them, and when you use them are all up to you — and should be considered in light of your particular audience.

Next time you’re getting ready to give a speech, consider this: If you were in your audience, what would you prefer — to listen to someone's speech or to participate in a conversation? Think about it. Your audience will probably have the same preference.

Thanks for tuning in!

Datta Groover, DTM
You can reach Datta at


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