Player’s Lineup


Do you want more active members in your club?

The Formula for "An Active club" that builds better leaders and speakers is simple.

Empower 5 eager people to improve their Speaking & Leadership skills.

+   Give them the full resources of Toastmasters International.

+   A Company that is supportive in improving the Employees & Community

=   POW*!

You generate Business leaders, Youth Group Leaders, Area Governors, Division Governors, Distinguished Toastmasters and some Amazing speakers.

Christyle Russell, Vanecia Kerr, Clive Manbodhe, Stephanie Liane & Pam Schneider were eager and instrumental in bringing Toastmasters to TIAA-CREF in Denver during December 2000. Their fortitude in building a safe environment for them to grow has empowered 100’s of others to face their fears in speaking and leading others. The strong base of leadership that this initial group had built is what allows the current leaders to stand so tall.

President Adam Fleckles is practicing to be a powerful leader and is empowered to do this by current club leaders. The synergetic presence of Jeffrey Smith, the interminable desire to see our Youth succeed by Orin Paul and the enthusiasm of Phyllis Darden & Chele Hubbard is omnipresent. These leaders are building even more strength because of the eagerness of their members like David Rivera, Deb Hinton-Brown, Paula Collins, Heyden Pue and others.

On Thursday January 20, 2011 Speakers in Action shared 10 years of pride in their accomplishment with nearly 50 attendees. Past District Governor Alan Swartz, Area Governor Cathy Sapp & Denver Division Governor Tom Hobbs were awed with the growth of these Toastmasters. "When you have learning and fun you have strong clubs, add 10 years of practice and you have Speakers in Action", Alan Swartz.

Our Denver Community and the full District 26 are much better because of Speakers in Action #240. Thank you for 10 Years of Action.

Adam Fleckles, Speakers in Action

Adam Fleckles accepts great recognition from Tom Hobbs “The Man in the Hat” Denver Division Governor Toastmasters International

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